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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sweet Friend Award .....

Good Morning,
I hope you are all safe and warm this morning. Our snow finally stopped at about 9 inches. The sun is shining brightly this morning, but it is only 20 degrees.
This morning I am sharing the Sweet Friend Award again. I was given this award last week by my scrapping girlfriend Sandi. I passed that one on to three "knock your socks off scrappers", Brenda, Laurel, and Mona. Later in the week, I had received it from Kym, Micki, and Dawn. I am so very honored that you ladies would think of me for this award...right back at you! So this morning, I am passing it on again. I know I'm changing the rules a little, but I received it three times and I'm sending to 4 people for each time. Just call me a cheat.
Here's the rules for this one. Accept the award from the Sweet Friend (s) that sent it to you, thank her in your post and pass it on to bloggers whose creativity knock your socks off. Then reveal 10 things about yourself.
So here is my list this time...cheating I know :)....and in no particular order....
2. Dar
3. Teri
10. Erika
And now my list of 10 things. Today I'm sharing my top ten of this last week and weekend. We've had so much excitement and fun.
1. My beautiful niece, Ashlea, was crowned Fourth Grade Homecoming Princess (Thursday)
2. I had a snow day on Friday.....what teacher doesn't love snow days!
3. I went to pick up the Little Kids on Friday and we've been together all weekend! Love it!!!
4. It began snowing on Friday and we have 9 inches now.
5. The kids, my sister, and I played in the pouring snow much fun!
6. We've had a snugly warm fire the entire weekend!
7. We all gathered at my Gran's yesterday for a delicious family dinner.
8. The Wildcats won again yesterday.
9. My little man, who is 5, had two loose teeth (bottom) and he would only let his Nee Nee pull them. His reasoning..."She's a teacher and does it to her kids all the time!" He lost both bottom teeth within two hours last night.
10. The tooth fairy came to visit him while at his Nee Nee's house. He's a happy boy this morning!
Have a very Blessed Day!


  1. Your weekend sounds super fun! YAY for you! Thank you for the lovely award, over to post it now!

  2. wow see you are such a great friend everyone loves you!

  3. Thank you sweetie, I finally posted mine! Right back at you.

  4. Thank you Kim, I will post mine soon.
    Tanya P.S Love the look of your blog.

  5. Oh my gosh ... thank you so much my sweet friend! I'm honored!!

  6. I love that you shared your list - its so fun to hear about the things over here and over there! The snow, the new Homecoming Princess and the Tooth Fairy's visit...ahhh...memories! ;D

  7. Congrats Kim, you deserve it hun! What lovely 10 'things'....glad you had the kids and had a blast in that snow : )

  8. thanks so much Kim for the award.....I will get it posted in the next day or had some very happy moments this weekend.....what a luv the snow for sticking close to family...sigh...luv the warm and coziness of it all...have a great week!

    enjoy *~*


Thanks for visiting...I hope you enjoyed my blog...Come back soon! xo Kim xo