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Hadley Mae


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Would You LIke To Be Guest Designer?

Good Morning,
That's right, Practical Scrappers is having a weekend feature calling for Guest Designers to submit projects. Here is what you need to do:

Here's how to enter - pick your favorite fall themed project (Halloween, Thanksgiving, anything to do with fall) and enter it. It doesn't even have to be new - it can be old - we just want to see your inspiring work. We will pick a card winner, a layout winner, and maybe one more for altered projects if there are enough entries. Deadline to post your project is Monday at 5:00 pm ET.

Thanks to all those who have already sent in some incredible projects! Hope to see yours later today!


  1. Thanks for the heads-up Kim, ya got me thinking and I might check back through my stuffs to see if I have anything I'd like to submit...what fun it would be to be a GDT member!

  2. Mmm...I can't wait to see the wonderful layouts so that I can be inspired. I need to do some scrapping but...alas, I need more practice so I'll be looking for y'all! :)

  3. Wow what a fun opportunity...if I wasn't going to be busy I would be thrilled to enter and try my luck. I know you will get lots of talented people.


Thanks for visiting...I hope you enjoyed my blog...Come back soon! xo Kim xo