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Hadley Mae


Saturday, July 10, 2010

I've been busy today....

taking care of things outside. I got the lawn mowed, the garden weeding done, and sprayed my daddy's orchard. While on the orchard, Ben found this little bunch of wild raspberries. Won't they be so yum?

Here is just a snapshot of one of my daddy's trees.

This is one of his peach trees. This one will have some ready to harvest next week. We found three that were ripe today. So very sweet and you should taste the cobbler they make!!!!

This is a snapshot of the trees on the downhill part of the orchard.

This is me taking a photo going up the hill toward the top.

I loved that I caught my cousins red barn in this one. I get the best photos with that barn.

And I saved my favorite for last, this is just one little branch on my daddy's blueberry bush. Man, is ever loaded!!!!

So after dinner, I'll get around to visit you all, if not, I'll see you tomorrow!


  1. Nice pictures Kim - perfect for a summery layout!

  2. Beautiful and yummy looking!! We just discovered wild raspberries in our yard too! Not sure how big they'll get as they've been mowed down most of the summer before I knew they existed!

    Enjoy the weekend!

  3. Sounds like a busy day, and great pictures to share.

  4. Wow sounds like a marvelous place to explore and have lunch!!!! I love all of the nature and your pictures are phenomenal!


  5. What beautiful pictures. Love all the green and those peach trees look yummy :)


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